
Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Dia Duit.
Hope everyone is well and keeping things well bum. I'm good, though is lent is taking it's toll. Jonathan has relieved me of my PS2 because I couldn't stand it staring at me every evening like I didn't love it any more. Yesterday I had to train a bunch of aging female librarian how to set up and run their own videogames club like we have in Hillsborough, which was quite painful since I wasn't allowing myself to touch any controllers, but it went reasonably well, and they all left a little more enthusiastic about the idea than when they came, which is about as good as I could have hoped for.
The writing is going pretty well. I Wrote about 25 pages this weekend, which equalled all the work I'd done on the project previously, and I hope to do something similar this thurs.
Been watching 'Our Friends in the North', since I discovered we have it on video in the library. It's good innit? I'm not particularly a fan of grim, gritty socio-political epics, but this has got better than average writing and a whole shitload of kickass performances. I guess I didn't realise when it was on telly how much it benifitted the careers of all concerned, but it seems that everyone on screen has become, if not a household name, then at least a very familiar face.
Also finally watched Cube. Thoroughly enjoyed it too. Some of the performances in it were a bit melodramtic and camp (particularly the black guy) and of course the conceit felt a little stretched in places, but as an exercise in minimalist film-making, it was really quite amazing. What I liked most about it was that despite using just one set and amateur actors it never once felt cheap or underdone, and there was a very real sense that anything at all could happen as the captives stepped from cube to cube. Now for the sequels.
And I watched Rita, Sue and Bob too..., very much against my will I might add. To be honest, there were things in that I liked; it's got a really funny, quotable script, and the influence it had on people like Shane Meadows is very evident, but those sex scenes... good god. I know styles move on and all, but really, there was no need for everyone involved to be that butt ugly.
gotta get back on the clock.
Till next time,
Aido 'couch' potato.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Greetings one and all.
Had quite a busy weekend this week. Been to manchester for Gaz&Bridget's wedding reception, which was nice. Didn't know many there except paul and ruth, but it was in this cool little pub/disco called the brickhouse where the balconies were made of scaffolding and the bouncer dances around in a red beenie (which looked like a fez out of the corner of my eye). We stayed in Paul's and I spent most of the next day burning most of his mp3s onto disc to take home, since we have jacked in our wanadoo dialup account and are in the process of obtaining broadband.
Did anyone see Nathan Barley? It was so funny I thought I was gonna shit. Then cry, because frankly, while Chris Morris and Charlie Brooker are out there writing, there will be no need for me, you or anyone else to do the same- we'll just be cluttering the place up.
Having said that, I did get on with some writing after it had finished, and miraculously managaed to establish an almost complete scene-by-scene breakdown of what happens in this horror film I've been cooking up for nearly a year now. Very satisfying it was too, like a big steaming brainshit. I've also got something cooking with a bloke I've met through ukscreen.com, but I'm keeping shtum about this for the time being, given what happened last time.
Better get back to work.
Keep it plastic, yeah?

Aido 'self facilitating media node' potato

Greetings one and all.
Had quite a busy weekend this week. Been to manchester for Gaz&Bridget's wedding reception, which was nice. Didn't know many there except paul and ruth, but it was in this cool little pub/disco called the brickhouse where the balconies were made of scaffolding and the bouncer dances around in a red beenie (which looked like a fez out of the corner of my eye). We stayed in Paul's and I spent most of the next day burning most of his mp3s onto disc to take home, since we have jacked in our wanadoo dialup account and are in the process of obtaining broadband.
Did anyone see Nathan Barley? It was so funny I thought I was gonna shit. Then cry, because frankly, while Chris Morris and Charlie Brooker are out there writing, there will be no need for me, you or anyone else to do the same- we'll just be cluttering the place up.
Having said that, I did get on with some writing after it had finished, and miraculously managaed to establish an almost complete scene-by-scene breakdown of what happens in this horror film I've been cooking up for nearly a year now. Very satisfying it was too, like a big steaming brainshit. I've also got something cooking with a bloke I've met through ukscreen.com, but I'm keeping shtum about this for the time being, given what happened last time.
Better get back to work.
Keep it plastic, yeah?

Aido 'self facilitating media node' potato

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

You know what really pisses me off? The fact that Blair is gonna get into power again this year. Now, you all know that I am not even remotely politically-inclined, and there is a certain whiff of hypocrisy when someone like me holds forth on shit like this which they know nothing about, but this little fucker deserves to go. More than that, he deserves to go while being tarred, feathered, dipped in two stroke and lit on fire. All the while being flayed and raped by diseased asylum seekers wearing strap-ons. Anything good thats happened since he's been in no. 10 has either been a marginal improvement on an existing service, or simply not his idea. Most of the awful things he's done have similarly not been his idea, buthave been championed by him against any and all arguements to the contrary. The latest thing is this pensions scam. Basically, they're attempting to do away with the lump sum workers recieve when they retire (they claim they are reintegrating it into the ongoing pension, but as this in turn is being reduced, what this amounts to is moving this money over here, then vanishing it- hoping no-one notices) OR offer people the option of staying in work till 70(!) and in return offering them a similar package to what pensioners recieve now. What they won't tell you is the correlation between working longer and dying earlier (figures for which do exist), so any extra money you will be entitled to, they will recoup in saved pension when you shuffle off your mortal coil a few years after retiring.
Gill, as ever, described it to a nicety when she said 'they are now making us pay for our further education, pricing us out of the job market and fucking us in the ear when we reach old age' (or words to that effect).
My question is this. Is it any wonder no one can take the tories seriously anymore? Labour has become Conservative, insofar as they both seem to get fat by dicking the very people working to make the country function, which is pushing the tories further right. If I vote (and there's no guarentee I will) I will probably go for the democrats. Not because I agree with them or think that they will make a better job of running the country than those in power, or indeed because I think they'll win (they won't), but I'd never vote conservative and while blair is in charge, I'd sooner sodomise myself on a vibrating icepick than vote labour.
Power to the people.
Aido 'normal transmission should resume tomorrow' Potato.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Hey wastrels!
I've noticed that this blogs birthday passed by without anyone (myself included) noticing. It seems I'm averaging about three posts a month, which is okay, I guess, but I think I can do more. Rather than spending all lunchtime sitting in our staff room looking at out of date womens mags, I should get into the habit of jotting a few lines down.
If you're interested in reading another blog (seriously) try ihatemyflatmate.blogspot.com, it's not that funny, but at least it has a point.
Anyhoo, enough about other shit, more about ME!
I'm pretty pissed today. I'm really tired (I'm always really tired), I'm sick of this job, that bloody woman in bolton didn't like my script, I still haven't heard from those people at the advocacy place, I can't get in touch with my man and this fucking old woman started giving me shit over the counter today. She started by disputing a fine she owed, rambling on about how she'd been in some other library where they said she wouldn't be fined for overdue videos, then asked me if I was acting dense. Such was my mood, my first instinct was to drive her fucking nosebone into her medulla oblongata, but I swallowed that, cut her idiotic muttering short and made her pay her fines. Only ten minutes after she left did I concoct the perfect riposte to her, which would have been witty, polite, cutting and with a cheeky streak of veiled insult. C'est la vie- l'esprit de escail and all that shite. I'll use it on her when she comes back in three weeks. Even if she doesn't remember, with any luck the confusion will short circuit her enfeebled elderly mind and cause it to dribble out of her nose onto the books, which I will then insist she pays for. At gunpoint if necessary.
I have to get back to work.
Stay outta trouble, y'hear? And be nice to librarians.
Aido 'Where are the fucking tweezers? This thing is twelve inches long' Potato. >:(

Monday, February 07, 2005

Roll up roll up!
It's almost lent again, and it's snuck up on me. I think it's wise to abandon the trusty Playstation for another year, but the smoking ban last year was only semi-successful and I'm torn as to whether it's worth the effort. Answers on a postcard to: 'See if you can better manage aidans life than he himself can' competition.
One thing I will certainly be kicking are McDonalds hamburgers. What's that you say? 'But Aidan, you haven't dined in the golden arches since 1991, and that was your first time'? Quite right, but having watched 'Super size me' this weekend, my anti fast food stance has taken on a renewed fervour. They are evil, I tells ya, and incompetently so, which is worse. I don't enjoy people being evil, you understand, but at least if there is a portion of sense and calculation behind the evil, I have something to respect. With McDonalds, it seems, everything just gets coated in sugar and fat- simply because they know the mass audience they reach like that shit and will eat it till it starts running out of their eyeballs in bloody glutenous gouts. Okay, so this didn't actually happen to Mr. Spurlock, but I suspect it would have if he had persisted in his quixotic quest.
Anyone played 'Psi-ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy'? Its my game reccommendation of the month. It came out late last year and I picked it up on eBay for a tenner a few weeks ago. Its cool, cos apart from the traditional 3rd person shooting action, you have a host of psi attacks at your disposal. Most fun to use is telekinesis, which allows you to pick up crates and fling them at baddies. Pick up baddies and throw them off buildings, into walls, into each other, into furnaces or high voltage generators. You can stand on a crate, telepathically float it around a room, plugging baddies as you go. Pick up explosive barrells, float them over enemies' heads before shooting them and god knows what else. Oh, yeah, and if you successfully sneak up on a baddie, you can pop his head a la scanners. Check it out.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

What's up all?
I'm in Hillsborough Library at the minute, ostensibly 'working' but no ones around so I'm catching up on a few things.
I went out to Firth Park yesterday for a meeting I'd been sent on by work. It's in a part of the city I've never been to before, so the bus journey was quite interesting. Somewhere between Grenoside and Firth Park was a long road of semi detached houses. All the ones on the right were occupied (or so it seemed) all the ones on the left were boarded up. With Metal. By the council. I'm talking about 30-40 houses here. What the fucks going on. Gill told me last night that there are over 100 people living rough in Sheffield, which I have to admit is lower that i might have guessed, but why the fuck is a whol streets worth of houses standing empty? You could fit 100 people in 30 houses no problem. I may even write to my MP.
Still no word from Mrs. Orr in Bolton, so I don't know if my script's sold, but I'm now a fully paid up member of ukscreen, and its cool to be able to make contact with industry bods at the touch of a button. I'm not exactly confident yet, but I feel it's a step in the right direction.
How good is 'Dragons Den'?
If you haven't seen it, do so. Its an incredibly compelling show. Basically a bunch of multi millionaires sit in an empty loft looking smug and stroking their piles of cold hard cash. Inventors ranging from genius' to dribbling lummoxes line up downstairs to take a turn at pitching their idea to the Dragons. They have to obtain at least the investment they came looking for, or they go home empty handed. What makes this show great is not only the range of inventions and business ideas, but the behaviour of the dragons themselves. Some are prone to sub-cowellesque cliches, some are strangely likeable (Like the American CAD investor who I started off detesting). Anyways, you gonna watch it.
Better get on now. Thing to do y'know.
Take care.

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