
Friday, August 26, 2005


Coughing chunks of my putrid black lungs up at the moment, and consequently feeling a lil worse for wear.
Had a quiet week (aside from all the coughing) alone since Gillo has gone away, though I’ve not used the time as well as I might’ve. I did get one page of the comic done on Wednesday night, but on thursday disaster struck: Hyper Street Fighter 2- anniversary edition arrived in the post. There goes my day off. The car situation has been jinxed with circumstantial difficulties that, for once, don’t have their root cause in my own laziness and/or incompetence. The upshot of this is that I won’t be driving to Scarborough today, and instead will be getting a lift with John (Gill’s brother in law). While this is kind of a relief as I was not looking forward to the baptism by fire that is the A45 to Scarborough, I had managed to psyche myself up for it, so it’s a bit of an anti-climax. Still, plenty of time to have a ghastly fatal accident next week when (hopefully) I will get the car.

To all you fans back home eagerly awaiting my next visit- good news. The wait will not be long. I’ve booked the 3rd-7th oct off work. I’ve yet to book flights, but they will be on that week. And I’m flying to Dublin this time to avoid the risk of not getting down there like last time. The reason I’m telling you all this now is that I will be very very displeased if everyone else has decided to finally take that base-jumping holiday on the Christmas islands during the very week I’m home. Consider yourselves duly warned.

Finally, an obituary. We hereby commit to the earth Aido’s ability to drink. I’ve suspected it was unwell for some time now, but last Friday confirmed for me that it has shuffled off it’s coil and won’t be shuffling back. 3 drinks is as much as I can stomach now, and I feel the hangover begin before I feel even slightly tipsy. In case you were wondering, there is no fun to be had in this, so I’m drawing a line under it. Now I’m considering what exciting new vice I should develop in its stead.
Suggestions are more than welcome, as are free samples of products.

Aido ‘LizardInAManSuit’ Potato

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Accept no substitutes, ladies and gentlemen, it’s the…

Official rules of the ‘24’ drinking game.
One drink must be consumed upon each instance of the following:

1. Every time someone at CTU changes job title/gets fired. 2 drinks if they get replaced by someone else from CTU.
2. Each time someone kills/maims someone else after explicitly saying they won’t. In the event of Jack doing this, a joint/cigarette must be smoked.*
3. Each time a perimeter is set up by CTU.
4. Each time a CTU perimeter is breached by the terrorists.
5. Whenever something explodes.
6. Each time someone says ‘Within the Hour’.
7. Each time someone says ‘Let me do my job’/’I’m just doing my job’/’I’m just doing what needs to be done’.
8. Every time an old face returns (Uncredited, not in the first episode.)
9. Every time CTU discover that the plot they are trying to foil is, in fact, just a cover-up for a larger plot.
10. Each time Jack ‘Goes Rogue’.

N.B. this game was designed to be played while watching a DVD marathon of the series, not the week-by week instalments.
*Reason being, at the end of each day, you too can sound just like Jack Bauer.

So I’ve watched Day 4 last week. It rocks faces. 2nd only to the first day, this is the best.
Bagged Northern Exposure series 2 and Alias season 3. It’s a good TV season for me.

Gillo’s off to Scarborough with the parentals today. She’s finished work and is having some downtime before going back to uni. I’m getting the car this week (hopefully) so I’ll be fit to go and spend the bank holiday weekend with them. I’m bricking it about the car, though.
Anyhoo, better get back to work.
Aido ‘A lil’ dab’ll do ya’ Potato.
P.S. Cheers for da solidarity, Gareth. Aren’t the public a shower of towels?

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Jesus tittyf****** Christ.

Ok, before I go any further, allow me to explain that yes, I realise I have what could well be one of the cushier jobs in the world and I have absolutely no room to talk about stress or crap working conditions..... but;

Yesterday we had this awful bloody harridan in with her two noisy assed kids. I should explain that in the library where I work the childrens library is upstairs, while the adults library is downstairs, though the childrens videos are still kept behind the adult counter. Anyways, this 'woman' comes to the counter (where I wasn't working, thankfully, I was lurking in the stacks eavesdropping) with some videos only to be told that she would need an adults library ticket to take them out on. 'But they're kids films' she cried, 'yes' said monica, 'but they still need to be issued onto an adults ticket. Mum then turns to her squawking brats and says 'Mummy's sorry but this lady says we aren't allowed these' at which both children (aged about 3 and 2) start screaming the fucking house down. Rather than just take he books and fuck off, this woman tries to REASON with them, thus: 'I know, but it isn't mummy's fault, it's this lady's rules'.
What monica would have said to this I never found out, cos apparantly the woman in the queue behind supermum rolled her eyes or heaved a sigh at this point, sending supermum into a tantrum of self-righteousness; 'What does this have to do with you, this is none of your business', (eye-rolling woman) 'Your children are making it everyone's business; and it's not her (monicas) rules, it's the library' (supermum, shouting) 'God, you're so rude, you awful awful woman' (eye-roller) 'Actually, you're the one being rude' . At this point, supermum had had enough and stormed out yelling 'come on boys, lets get out of this GOD FORSAKEN BUILDING' and as soon as she was outside the door she begins yelling and screaming at the top of her voice. Try and develop this image, if you will; a whole family crying outside a library because they didn't get their own way, it's as good a metaphor for what is wrong with the people of broomhill as I can think of. Later, she returns with some ID to get and adult card and pick up the videos her hellspawn wanted. While I was making her card out she says, conversationally 'I'm not coming back here' to which I tactfully reply 'yes you are, these videos need to be returned next week', 'I'll get someone else to do it- I can't stand the people in this library'. I didn't reply, though I agreed whole-heartedly with her, but I guess she took my silence to indicate I took offence cos she added 'not you personally, the people who come in here'. Again, couldn't agree more.

Today hasn't thrown up anyone like that, but I've been in the kids library today where it has just been bedlam; it's the summer holidays you see. Now normally I don't mind working in kids since it's pretty quiet during the day and I get to kick back and surf the net mostly, but its now 5pm and this is the first time I've had a chance to sit down and catch up on me blog.

Some days I wish a pox would besiege the crooksmoor valley and take all the Jeremys and Millicents and little Tarquins and bethanys with it. I'd laugh out loud until I soiled myself.

Aido 'Hakuna Matata' Potato

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Hi there.

I've just been watching a film called 'Code 46' (or something) which is a sci-fi thriller thingy set in the near future. Please indulge me as I summarise the events, as it didn't make much sense to me while I was watching it.

Tim Robbins (who I have a lot of trouble taking seriously since Team America) is some kind of fraud investigator in the near future. He has been sent to shanghai to investigate a case of identity fraud at some kind of passport company, whereby someone who was not meant to go to dehli was mistakenly allowed to go there. Timothey has the benifit of an 'empathy virus' whereby, if he can convince someone to give him any little titbit of personal information, he can read their minds. This allows him to access all sorts of places he shouldn't go and generally exploit people's ill-gotten trust. Soon his investigations lead him to Samantha Morton, an employee of the aforementioned company, whom he takes a shine to and has some sex with. Some time passes. Then, he can no longer find Morton, and returns to the company to look for her. Using his empathy virus, he discovers she has been taken to some secret lab for an abortion since she violated a Code 46 (boning, knowingly or unknowingly, a clone with 25% or higher genetic match). Despite his empathy virus not working on the lab employees, he finds out that he and Morton share a 50% gentic match, and she is his mother's genetic twin. Gutted. He then gets to interview morton again, only to discover she doesn't remember him, the company she worked for, nor the person for whom she falsified a passport (who has turned up deaded). The lab (rather unrealistically, under the circumstances) allow Tim to take Morton away again where they have some more sex, in a desert this time. The following morning Morton phones the futurecops and reports that there has been another Code 46 violation and that they should get out here pronto. They get in a car and drive around the desert some more, making big bunny eyes at each other, before the future cops show up and blow the car off the road.
Tim wakes up in Seattle with his wife and pesky kid, with no memory of what happened in Shanghai and Morton apparently stays in the desert looking aggreived and wistful.
Now I'm not saying it's a bad film; it's kind of got a Blade Runner esque feel, and the performances are very good, but the story was just... stupid. Why would an investigator from Seattle be assigned to case in Shanghai, for example? They never explained the nature of this virus, but I assume it is something that can be administered to anyone, surely they could've found someone a bit closer to hand. Why would Timmy, when in full possession of the facts, then go and risk everything again just for another poke at someone who could be his mother? Why would Morton, who was all over timmy like a fairtrade burka, go and get the future cops involved after their second bout of rumpo?
Answers on the back of an aging albatross to the usual address.
Aido 'un poco poco' Potato.

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