
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

So sorry for leavin you all swingin in the wind, I know it's been aeons since I updated this piece o shit. Truth is I been trying to write a review of 2006, and would you believe it's turning out to bw quite long-winded.

A brief update then- since last we met I have taken up residence alongside the esteemed mr. courtney in Windmill Lane productions where everyone is cool and good-looking and regards me with warmth rather than pity. I give it 4 more months, tops. (It also puts paid to mine and Ronan's deal, made sometime last year, to go travelling the world if, by Christmas, we were still in jobs we hated and hadn't gotten anyone pregnant.)

I have also moved back into the Church Lane pleasuredome with mo and the rest of the lads, outsourcing Paddy to the Donnybrook branch. The only downside to this arrangement is that since I left the collective has lost a key member in the form of one Sunil Bavalia who has gone to seek even more of his fortune in London town. Bastard. Wish ya all the best just the same.

Christmas was an unusually chilled out affair this year, given that Mum & Dad's firstborn had planned her nuptials to Lord Joe of the house of Loughlin for the 29th. This too was fairly chilled (for a McKenna wedding) and I believe the happy couple are now scouting for charlie up in the trees somewhere in Vietnam. Why Vietnam I have no idea, but there you go.

The house's activities over the festive period was largely centred around a certain Ms FiFaFoley, bless her little drooling chops, whom has taken up residence in Derryclooney acres until march. Delightful though her company is, it does fill one with dread at the thought of 2,3 or 4 of the little parcels of vomit-inducing cuteness that the future no doubt contains. I may just hide from them until they are old enough to conduct a proper conversation. (Or at least wipe themselves.)

Hope that's enough excitement to keep y'all entertained for another 6 months, I'm gonna get back to work on the novel.

Aido 'Todays blog was brought to you by the letters k, y & J, & the number 9' Potato

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