
Saturday, April 09, 2005

What's up dawgs? (Sorry, I've been playing quite a lot of GTA: San Andreas)
Hope you are all well. I'm not too bad, spring is upon us with a vengeance and there is real live sun outside (though it was snowing yesterday.)
Watched Napoleon Dynamite last night, which I will recommend heartilly to all and sundry- but not hype to high heaven. Just trust me and watch it if you can. Also worth a mention is Firefly- a series by Buffy creator Joss Whedon which looks, sounds plays and just is fantastic, so of course Fox axed it after 14 episodes that were only screened in America. There's a film of it coming out later this year, so I wanted to be in the know (ITK) before it hit these shores, so I bagged the DVDs of ebay and am loving every minute of it. He's clearly taken his cues from Cowboy Bebop rather than Star Trek, which, I need hardly tell you, can only be a good thing.
Finished watching Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex, and have submitted a proper full review of it to my fave Anime site (www.animeworld.com), so hopefully it'll be published soon.

And before you all think that I've just turned into a listless couch potato (you'd be at least 89% right) we went out to the Corporation last week for some shits & giggles, which was exactly what we got. Jonno was giggling his guts up into the bog for most of the following day, however, but myself, Gillo and Marybeth were nursing very mild hangovers and I didn't even say 'I swear I'll never drink again' the following day, which is a new experience for me.

Work is just dull dull dull. I am happy enough to stay here and work away, since there are many worse jobs out there, or worse still- unemployment, but it's just become so 9 to 5, you know? And the money is good for the work we do, but it's pretty far from enough to pay for me to get my debts in order and on to new things.

As I've said, I've been throwing myself into GTA: SA- but at least I was good enough to finish GTA: Vice City first (with help from Gillo), and it's pretty fucking sweet. I'll not list off all the things I love about it, but I do find it exceedingly hard to simply walk or run or drive from one end of a street to the other without going 'Ohhh- what's that?' and finding myself in some scrape or other. Scratch what I said last time about it- it poops on the old GTA's. Though the 'Theme' for this one isn't quite as appealing as the last one- it's all gangsta's and ho's and shit, which is fine to an extent, but not as amusing as Vice City's 80's Miami cheese.

Until next time then,
Keep it slippy.

Aido 'Busta' Potato.

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