
Friday, April 01, 2005

Gah! and Buh!
So I haven't forgotton my blog, these stupid PCs just keep crashing everytime I go to publish it, and I never leave myself enough time to rewrite it.
Happy Eastermas one and all. I've been to Sunny Scarborough (but not the sunny part of scarborough) for the bank holiday weekend, where there was sand, water and other things associated with any self-respecting coastal region. Fun was had.
Since then my life has been little more than the steady consumption of chocolate and videogames (both of which I spent lent avoiding). I have been playing Silent Hill 2, at Gareth's recommedation, but despite that, it's rather good. Ok, the movement/combat controls are a bit eccentric, but the scares are there and that's what matters. Has anyone else found that games have a better capacity to scare one than films do, once you reach a certain age? Something to do with feeling directly under threat yourself I suppose- but all I know is I nearly filled them when that guy with the huge weird hammerhead pounced on me on the roof of the hospital and dropped my ass two stories into the special care ward.
Also got GTA: San Andreas, which I've sampled, but not really started yet. It looks nice, but it's hard to shake the feeling that when you've played one GTA game, you've effectively played them all.
Still haven't heard from that mammyrammer in Leeds who wanted me to fix his stoopid script. Fuck him: I finished my own this lent, and it's way better than his (and it's finished), all I need to do is rewrite it, coerce some studio into making it and voila! Instant superstardom. Next up: thundercats.
Gillo got me some kickass prezzies in Scarb; two of those original, deluxe giant turtles. We were in this really cool little underground market where this raving geek has a little cupboard-sized shop where he offloads all his toys and merch. I would have cheerfully bought the lot if I could justify the expense, but Gill insisted on getting them for me when she saw me drooling at them.

Anyhoo, better get back on the clock, I'll not leave it so long next time.

This blog is dedicated to the memory of Suzie McKenna. Noisy, smelly, hairy and sadly missed.

Aido Mutato.

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