
Friday, December 03, 2004

What up all?
So I've finally begun to get me finger out.
Last week we (me and Jonathan) had a bit of a wake up call in the pub with Andre, who is Jonno and marybeths coked up southern ponce friend who despite his many shortcomings is very funny and managed somehow to snag a high powered job with saachi and saachi- if you can believe such a thing. He was asking us why we haven't made more progress on our comic and I had to own that it was mostly my fault. I was also talking to jack and Phil, both of whom are moving to manchester to make their fortune in the film industry. Jack has more contacts than I would have expected, so he's got a shoe-in to a horror film thats being made in january.
Anyways, the upshot of all this is that I haven't played playstation all week, I'm packing it up until christmas, and I'm knuckling down to getting at least one issue of this fucking comic finished.
I done one page yesterday, and I figure if I can pump out about two pages a week I should have this issue done by early 2005.
I'm also watching plenty of films. Saw spidey 2. Very much an improvement on the first, looked incredible, but the maryjane/parker chemistry is just not quite there yet. And aunt may is a bit crappy. Plenty of dead good bits in it tho.
Saw battle Royale 2 yesterday also. This wasn't anything like as good as the original. Too gun-reliant and not inventive enough to recommend. I'm not dissing it either though, as a slice of action it stands up very well on its own, just suffers in comparison to the first.
I'm about six episodes into standalone complex now, and the only thing I'm sure of it that it sure ain't no cowboy bebop. It looks lovely, but aside from that it is an inferior product in almost every way. I can't quite follow whats going on, I couldn't care less about any of the characters and the technology, while it's impressive, hasn't moved on since the film. All the themes, missions and dialogue is more or less the same as it was in the manga, which begs the question 'why bother?'
Anyhow, break is over now,
see y'all later.

The first couple of episodes of any series are shite introductory stand alone ones. This is true of GITS:SAC also. Theres 26 in the first season and it gets much much better. And I think its miles better than everything else due to its storyline telling over multiple episodes. For instance in one episode something happens and you dont have a fucking clue who did it or why, just that the team survives or someones saved. Then five or six episodes later the incident is explained, the reason for it and why.
And its not based on the manga, its based on the anime. Which was a cut job on the manga.

Then again you watch Hollyoaks.
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