
Friday, November 05, 2004

Sorry for getting cut short the other day, pressures of new job and that. So Far its been going well, though the travelling to and from work is an unwelcome change to my routine... Ho hum.
Anyways, our film festival. We kicked off with three viewings of Shaun of the Dead, which I got for me birthday. It really is an amazing show, and I am truly inspired by Simon Pegg. He makes exactly the kind of TV show/ Films I wish I could, and he seems like a decent bloke into the bargain. I think I've mentioned before that Tim Bisley (his character in Spaced) is probably the fictional character I identify with the most.
We then watched Braindead (always a pleasure), and finished the day off with 28 Days later, which I hadn't seen before and was duly impressed by. I thought it a little meandering towards the end, where they just sort of forgot about the zombies, but overall, quality won the day. Great cast, too. Brendan Gleeson is apparently playing mad-eye moody in the next magic harry movie, and the Cillian Murphy bloke is playing scarecrow in the Batman Begins flick (no doubt his costume will pale in comparison to mine, but thats life).
Got a camcorder today, bought of someone at work who's upgraded to digi. £60 for a three year old samsung with all the trimmings. Not a bad deal, now I just need to see if it works.
Better go, the vultures are circling...

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