
Friday, June 11, 2004

What ho. Sorry for being a bit quiet, but things have been well, a bit quiet. The sun is nearly killing me on a daily basis and I have spent the last week sweating profusely.
Watched Girlfight last night, it was pretty good, the story is fairly standard triumph over adversity stuff, but Michelle Rodriguez's performance elevates it to something altogether edgier. She's so my Cheetarah.
I know I said I wasn't going to watch Big Brother this year, but I'm very sorry to say it has finally overcome my defences. At this stage, it has been far and away more entertaining than any other year. I think the producers have been listening to their critics from last year (all boring assed nicey nicey saps) and have taken no chances and filled this years house with a collective of hateful shitheels. I can't fault their logic but I wish I could resist. Though it's not like anything else is on. Both The OC and Bad Girls are taking summer hols so there is very nearly dick on telly aside from BB and fucking infernal footie.
The vouchers still haven't arrived. Bastards. Oh, and Gareth, GamesTM is written for grown ups too, yet its still actually fun to read, seems to get the big news before EDGE and has a really cool retro games section in the back (EDGE also do a retro supplement, but it only comes out quarterly and costs as much as the magazine itself) finally, and most importantly, EDGE don't pay me, or anyone else for that matter £100 for writing a letter so GamesTM is clearly the better mag. And if you've anything else to say on the matter e-mail it to me so I don't have to tear you a new one in pseudo-public.
Sayonara shitheads

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