
Thursday, May 27, 2004

Whats up all. The problem with getting on here seems to have gone for now, you'll all be no doubt pleased to hear.
I have to apply for my own job! Actually, it would be better if I did have to apply for my own job, but since I'm only doing two temporary part time post cut+shunted into each other, I have to apply for one of my workmate's jobs. The fucking council suck ass. I knew this staff restructure thing would come to my level eventually, but its naff the way we have all these workers fighting over not enough permanent posts when we're already under-fucking staffed. I think everyone who's currently employed should be offered a job pending a review, then they can employ extra depending on how many more people they need. Actually, I'm just belly-aching because I have to go through the whole application/interview rigmarole just to get the SAME FUCKING JOB I'M DOING NOW, not even something better.
Anyways, now that thats all out of the way I can address Gareths comment. I just assumed everyone I knew had heard, or at least been told about fast lady, paul and Gaz's band. Apparently not so. Check out


for mp3 previews of album tracks, and


for more Mp3s, as well as MPEGs, remixes, pictures and everything else fast lady.
I've been listening to The Streets lately. He's very good isn't he? So different yet accessible, very funny and very sad all at the same time. Dead fucking hard on Vib Ribbon, though.
LAters all

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