
Thursday, April 29, 2004

Hi all.
Sorry for the dry spell, its been a funny old week.
Had the first of our Videogames club meetings on Monday, which went ok, even though if things carry on the way they have been going, it’ll probably be our last too. The frikkin AV dept have decided not to stump up the money for the TVs we need, even though I was assured they would, and that punk who was supposed to be sorting out all the hardware we need is avoiding me. Dick. So I phoned them today, and tore one of his co-workers a new one, and he’s gonna get right on that now, but sadly they same technique is unlikely to work for those little AV bitches. I’ll probably end up having to kidnap their pets and torture them before they give in.
In other news, I went to see that there film, whats it called now, Shaun of the Dead, and tremendously good it was too. I really identify with Simon Pegg; both his character in Spaced, and as a struggling writer. It gives me faith to see that he can make a go of it even though, like me he is by and large a lazy, Playstation-addicted gobshite. Check out the film, any of you that haven’t already done so.
Those satan-worshipping whoremongers at UGC wouldn’t give me a megapass either, because I didn’t have my account no. on me, even though I had everything else. I’ll probably get one this weekend though, I’m going to see Kill Bill v2.

I realise I never filled any of you lovely people out there in cyberspace in on what became of my cyst. Basically, after 2-3 weeks of varying degrees of pain, and the bastard thing swelling up to four or five times its original size, the scab eventually gave way and fell from off my fizzog… leaving the original cyst more or less intact. I can’t say for sure whether the little blood vessel that was causing all the trouble in the first place is still there but the lump on my nose looks exactly the same as it always has. Thanks for nothing you showers of fartsuckers, may all your babies have two heads and all your turds be made of barbed wire.
Later dudes.

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