
Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Whats up fans and fanettes?
Since the last post I have FINALLY got connected to the net at home, so theoretically at least I should be able to spend a bit more time and take a bit more care with this piece of shit blog. Oh, yeah, the swearing will probably be upped as well (sorry mum) as I have to be careful what I write in the library; if I have to leave the computer to go and serve Vernon or Marge public, some nosy gobsheen will be perfectly within their rights to read what I'm writing and summarily report it to my boss.
While we're on the subject of my boss, I am so fed up with her bullshit. She's perfectly nice to me, of course, because as you are all well aware I am, in fact, an Angel and no-one could possibly take issue with any aspect of my behaviour, but she will not stop bitching about one of my co-workers. Now, granted the co-worker in question is a bit slack for someone who has been on the job for 15 odd years, but no-one deserves this kind of vitriol without the chance to defend themselves. I can actually get along with her fine, but it seems I am in the minority, and having seen what has become of other people who have 'Taken her side' (ie, spoken out about the bitching) I doubt if its worth the headache. Working with women sucks. It was the same when I worked in that mushroom house as a nipper, and it was the same at the pub.
Enough of this cods.
I also visited the doctors yesterday to have that little wart on my face sorted out. Rather than cut it off like I'd expected, I got sprayed with liquid nitrogen and told that I can expect it to 'drop off of it's own accord' some time in the next week (!) Now, I'm not an unreasonable person (see above) but this seems to me a bit off. How can I relax over my pot noodle (if I ate the wretched things) knowing that its quite possible a cyst will fall from MY FACE into my food? The best was yet to come though, as I was leaving, the nurse casually said 'don't worry if it doesn't come off all the way, just book back in for our next cryosurgury in two months and we'll finish it of. THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SIMPLE IN AND OUT PROCEEDURE YOU SICK SHITEHAWK! I'm gonna leave uglier than when I came in, and I'm gonna spend the next two months wondering if part of my face is 'ready' to drop off.
I think I'll just remove it myself if it hasn't gone by the end of the week.
I'll let you know how that goes.

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