
Sunday, March 28, 2004

Gabba gabba hey! How y'all doing (I know you can't answer just now, but I am probably going to put a comments link on this site soon- no doubt a terrible idea, but hey!)
I've been pretty good this week, even if I did spend most of thursday trying to secure our computer from the scum of the internet (its a dangerous place out there). This connection is impossibly slow, even worse than the work one, so I'll probably upgrade to Broadband as soon as we've honoured this contract.
Finished reading 'Coraline', a kids book by neil gaiman. It was very good, but as Gill rightly pointed out, most of his writing is suitable for kids anyway. This is not to say he is a childish writer, he takes on some pretty big themes and stuff, but it is very accessable writing, and plot wise, usually quite straightforward. This is no bad thing as far as I'm concerned, and is how I would like to write someday, but my work isn't coming out naturally at the minute, and I was always told (though not in reference to writing) if it ain't coming naturally, don't push it.
Also watched 'So Close' yesterday, a kick ass chop socky Hong Kong flic with three dead hot chicks in it. As you can imagine, I liked it a lot (whats not to like) and we're gonna see school of rock a little later on.

*****Cyst Watch UK******
Well, the docters didn't lie, and the results of my cryosurgury are kicking in in quite a gruesome fashion. Rather than just rot and drop off, as I was expecting, the effects of the nitrogen seem to be stripping the skin off layer by layer, which is not very satifying. It looks nasty, and every time I brush my nose on the curtains, for example, I wince in pain. Still, shouldn't be long now.

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